Sunday, November 29, 2009


Nama: Adik Sakura Aqirah bt Salman

She was pale for 3 years.

Dosage ;
SNE capsule

Alkaline entered eyes

Nama ; Sharifah Hidayah bt. Sharif Ali

Master student in UITM in Penyelidikan Sains Kimia Organik

During an experiment in the lab an accident happened where DCCI (alkaline 9) got in to her left eye. She was then rushed where 3 eye spec to Klang hospital 3 specialist tried all kinds of medications and eye drops but none of them helped because she developed an allergy. After 3 days, her vision became blurry and painful, doctors then claimed that her cornea was damaged.

After consuming SNE ;
She decided to stop the prescribed medication from the hospital and started consuming SNE. 2 drops of the SNE capsule oil in the eye and 10 capsules of SNE a day. After 10 days her vision was better. And after 1 month her vision was back to normal.



Suffered from Jan 2009, where her sugar level was at 22.7

After consuming SNE ;
Wound on leg healed and dried by the month of April

Recommended to consume ;
SNE capsule and Wis D

Dosage ;
2 morning and 2 night before meal

Friday, November 27, 2009


Nama : Pn. Zakiah Zainal Abidin

Problems ;
Weight problems, migraine, high blood pressure

Before ; 82 kg

Dosage ;
2 capsules of amberine, 2 capsules of SNE morning and night, excel tea

After 3 months ;

Lost 18 kg

After consuming SNE ;
High blood pressure is normal, lost 18kgs, migraine has stopped


Nama ; Muhammad Fizani bin Zulkurnain

Suffered for 8 months

Dosage : 2 SNE capsule day and night (before meal)


Name ; Rohana Bt Long

Before (28/05/2009)
Knee problems for 8 years, couldn't walk, body parts covered with scabs, right calve covered with scabs and pus, overweight, cholesterol. Admitted to Hospital Putra Jaya for 2 weeks. Doctor couldn't diagnose what she was having. Doctors advised her to operate her right calve.

After taking SNE ;

First and second day (29/05/2009 & 30/05/2009)

Could walk, pus dried up, started cooking and cleaning

Went shopping at Jaya Jusco. Scabs started to heal after 1 week, lost weight, and was feeling energized


Name ; Puan Jamilah Bt Abdul Kadir

Diseases ;

Psoriasis (10 years). Rashes on skin, scales, peeling. Started from the neck, elbows, knees, and itches.

After taking SNE ;

She consumed 8 capsules of SNE capsule a day, and rubbed the SNE capsule oil on the affected areas for 3 months and her psoriasis has stopped.

SNE Products

SNE Capsule

SNE Capsule combines the bio-essence of seabuckthorn seed oil and Bio-active Mucopolysaccharids as its main active ingredients, extracted from and refined utilizing supercritical carbon dioxide extractive technique. SNE Capsule is effective in eliminating toxins and free radicals, enhances the immune system, activates brain cells, nervous system and endocrine system and regulates the repair of cells to achieve optimum metabolism.


  • Eliminates free radicals and harmful elements
  • Enhances the immune system functions
  • Prevents various ailments in the digestive system
  • Reduces blood lipid and cholesterol levels, thus prevents cardio-cerebrovascular diseases
  • Prevents and relieves influenza infections
  • Effectively treats burns, scars, frostbites, and bedsores
  • Prevents damages caused by radiation and oxidation
  • Promotes blood circulation and speeds up wound healing after surgery
  • Helps in physical and mental development of children
  • Promotes healthy skin and slows down the ageing process
  • SNE Capsule is very suitable for ladies, because it prevents various gynaecological problems

SNE Capsule had been proven to cure many well known diseases such as high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, thyroid, insomnia, cataract, tumors, luekimia, breast cancer and many more.

It is advised to take2 capsules of SNE in the morning, and 2 at night.

NOTE : SNE Capsule should be taken firstly to regulates your system before taking other SNE products

Artercardy Essence

Modifies the statistics of human diseases

  • Has unique functions on softening hardened blood vessels
  • Assists in lowering blood pressure, plasma lipid and blood viscosity
  • Effectively restore damage from hypertension on targeted organs
  • Acts directly on blood vessels and visceral organs without rebound
  • 100% bio-active ingredients and has fast effects
  • Alleviates signs and symptoms as well as the root cause for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
Artercardy Essence works well for those who suffer from
  1. Bad blood circulation
  2. Heart problem
  3. Blood pressure
  4. Gout
  5. Vessels problem

Wis - D Essence

  • Improves memory functions and prevents dementia
  • Repairs and stimulates brain cells
  • Enhances DNA and RNA development, growth, and synthesis, preventing brain cells from ageing
  • Improves SOD activation and anti-oxidation activities, combats free radicals, protects brain tissues
  • Improve blood flow to the brain, stimulates dormant brain cell
  • Enhances the growth factor within the body, promotes bone growth

Wis D Essence is suitable for
  1. Parkinson
  2. Stroke patients
  3. Diabetes patients

Amberine Capsule

  • Rectifies partial or overall fat metabolism disorder
  • Decomposes accumulated redundant adipose calls and suppresses the formation of new fat cells
  • Enhances nutrient absorbance and improves skin resilience and suppleness

Its is best taken 2 capsules of amberine in the morning following 2 SNE capsules
2 amberine capsules to be taken at night
Excel tea to be replaced as water for daily basis
While taking amberine capsules, large amounts of water is advised to break down unwanted fats

Excel Tea

  • Removes internal and external toxins
  • Relieves constipation
  • Reduces blood lipids
  • Protects the liver and gall blader
  • Resists viruses
  • Improves skin texture
  • Removes fats and aids in slimming
  • Delays the onset of ageing

After consuming excel tea some individuals may frequently go to the loo as it is known to remove toxins from the body. While some may pass gas.

Seabuck Activ


  • Relieves cough
  • Dispels internal phlegm
  • Helps reduce internal heat
  • Dispels toxins from the body
  • Strengthens the lungs
  • Strengthens the immune system

Seabuck activ is best taken together with SNE capsule